
Google LaMDA lets you converse with a paper airplane

Google has announced LaMDA a new natural language technology that will enable Google Assistant users to have conversations with objects planets and paper airplanes.

In a somewhat bizarre demonstration during the opening session of Google I/O on, the company demonstrated a voice chat with the planet Pluto that enables Assistant users to learn more about the planet.

Users will be able to ask questions about the objects and, instead of a Wikipedia-style readout, the answer will come in conversational form with the subject of the conversation replying as if it had a personality of its own.

In one example, “Pluto” says: “I am not just a random ice ball, I am actually a beautiful planet.” When the Assistant user answers “well I think you’re beautiful,” the planet says “I am glad to hear that. I don’t get the recognition I deserve.”

So yeah. An interesting start to Google I/O for sure.

Google says this tech will come to Assistant, Search and Workspaces


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