Huawei has unveiled its first smartwatch. Called simply Huawei Watch it’ll come running Android Wear and features a stainless steel frame wrapped around a sapphire crystal screen.
The watch was revealed during a special event held at Mobile World Congress 2015 in Barcelona. With a circular 1.4-inch AMOLED screen, the Huawei Watch will join the likes of the Moto 360 and the newly unveiled LG Watch Urbane LTE, both of which also feature circular displays.
Huawei’s hoping to rise above the noise by focusing heavily on quality so the use of a sapphire crystal display should set it apart from the competition.
It’ll come with the now industry-standard assortment of sensors including a heart rate monitor, sensors for fitness tracking, 6-axis motion tracker and a barometric sensor.
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Despite running Google’s Android Wear operating system, Mashable claims that Huawei will be working with partners like Jawbone to create a health-centred ecosystem that’s based on the watch.
It’s available in black, silver and gold editions and can be bought with a range of different bands. Huawei expects to launch the Watch in June 2015 however there’s no word on pricing.