
New Quiz App Connects Friends to Compete in a League Game

There was this one thing which bothered the Indie Developer Dr. Rieger with other quiz apps: “If you met with your friends and wanted to quiz, you could only compete against one of them in a single game. Would it not be nice to have all of them in a group match?”

After one year of endless programming and lots of coffee, the app Quiz Hero was born. Quiz Hero is a multiple choice quiz game, which can be played online against people from all over the world. A player can create a quiz group with friends, and everyone is asked the same questions in each round. A ranking table, just like the ones used for sport leagues, shows who is ahead of the others and who is climbing up or down the charts.

Players can test their knowledge in 9 different categories including TV film, music and sports. The questions are suitable for a worldwide audience and tried-and-tested in hundreds of quiz games.

A quiz game consists of 4 rounds with 5 questions each. In every round, a new category can be chosen by a random player. A question must be answered within 25 seconds and there are 4 answers to choose from.

But there was another thing which bothered the developer: “People have different demands about the game speed. Some people do not want to wait the whole day for an opponent to respond, while others only have time in the evening to play a few rounds. Quiz Hero allows the game creator to select a response time between 10 minutes and 48 hours.”

The app has a very detailed statistics analysis. It shows overall statistics about how many games, rounds and answers a player won or lost, and friend statistics, which compare only matches where a specific player participated. This means that even if a player does not rank first in a league game, it is still a victory against all others with a lower rank.

Future features of the game will focus on community integration such as questions written by users, rating of questions, and translations into other languages.

Get Quiz Hero now

The app is freely available for iOS and Android.

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Product URL: http://www.changemystyle.com/quiz-hero/quiz-hero.html

Direct Download Link iOS: http://itunes.apple.com/app/id1002409163

Direct Download Link Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.changemystyle.quizhero

Press Kit: http://www.changemystyle.com/quiz-hero/presskit.zip

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