What is the Venom PS4 rechargeable battery pack?As much as we love our PS4, the one thing we don’t love is the rather shoddy battery life of the DualShock 4 controller. If you spend an afternoon engrossed in a PS4 game, you’ll find that you can’t get more than five hours out of your DualShock 4 on a sin
At a new PAX East panel director Naoki Yoshida suggested a central recover date of Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn‘s initial expansion, Heavensward. The enlargement was approaching by many members of a community, myself included, to be expelled in May, though a central recover date has now been reliab
A leaked video from IGN has expected suggested a world-wide recover date for Metal Gear Solid V: a Phantom Pain. Yesterday, IGN announced that they had partnered with Konami to exhibit “big Phantom Pain news, as good as a special summary from series’ creator Hideo Kojima” tomorrow, Mar 4, during 6 a.m.
Sega and The Creative Assembly have expelled Alien: Isolation‘s latest DLC pack, The Trigger. The Trigger sees players lapse to a strange Survivor Mode with 3 new maps, and puts them in the shoes of Ricardo, Sevastopol Station’s Deputy Marshall, as he risks his possess life to save a station’s inhabitan
DICE has expelled Battlefield 4‘s winter patch, that adds a new diversion mode, improves a game’s netcode, and more. First adult is a code new diversion mode called Squad Obliteration, that contains a high paced design formed gameplay of strange Obliteration scaled down for a 5 vs 5 match. Squad Oblite
Battlefield Hardline‘s single-player debate stays a many puzzling thing about Visceral’s cops-and-robbers spinoff, yet a new dev diary helps strew a bit some-more light on what we can design from a story perspective. Of course, most of it is a same deceptive articulate points we’ve listened given a dive
Sadly, another game’s online functions will shortly be roving off into a sunset, as 2K has announced a date when NBA2K14 will strictly be going offline. Coming interjection (or no thanks) to 2K’s forums, NBA2K14’s online connectors will stop operative as of Mar 31st, 2015. After that point, players will
Harmonix’s new Amplitude will deliver group play in a multiplayer, a developer suggested currently alongside revival’s initial gameplay trailer. According to art executive Ryan Lesser in a post on a Playstation Blog, Amplitude will concede players to group adult 2-on-2 or 3-on-1 in an bid to turn a pers
Rockstar has finally offering a plain recover date for Grand Theft Auto Online‘s heists and pushed behind a launch of a PC chronicle of Grand Theft Auto V. Heists will be accessible for a PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One versions of Grand Theft Auto Online on Mar 10. “Heists will mov
Sony has expelled complement program refurbish 4.70 for PlayStation 3. Don’t get too vehement though, since this is a really teenager refurbish that usually adds a integrate of new features, such as Closed Captions for Blu-rays and DVDs. As good as this, following a update, a name and idol for a PlaySta
Polyphony Digital has expelled a new refurbish for Gran Turismo 6 that adds a new car, a new track, and B-Spec Mode. Gran Turismo 6 owners can squeeze the MINI Clubman Vision Gran Turismo from a Vision GT choice within a CARS territory in “My Home” once a refurbish has installed. However, to save some m
Square Enix is charity ex-Final Fantasy XIV players a possibility to lapse to Eorzea this Friday as partial of a giveaway login eventuality to applaud reaching 4 million purebred accounts. “Fledgling adventurers continue to arrive in Eorzea in droves, and we are gratified to announce that a area is now
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare’s Exo Zombies will star John Malkovich, Bill Paxton, Rose McGowan, and Jon Bernthal, a new teaser trailer revealed. John Malkovich recently starred in Warm Bodies, so there’s your zombie tie for him. Bill Paxton seemed in Edge of Tomorrow progressing this year, joining him
New competition and dual new Jobs announced for Final Fantasy XIV’s Heavensward expansion During a Final Fantasy XIV Fan Festival keynote in Japan, Square Enix suggested a new competition and dual new Jobs that will be combined with a arriving Heavensward expansion. The new race, famous as Au Ra, are a
Some of GTA Online’s destiny updates might not be expelled on Xbox 360 and PS3 Rockstar has suggested that some of Grand Theft Auto Online‘s destiny updates might not be expelled on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 due to a technical stipulations of a consoles’ comparison hardware. In a new QA, a developer re